Pois é, na próxima época, a CAL será jogada em CS:source nas principais divisões. Neste momento, todas as equipas da CAL-invite estão convidadas para jogar na Liga de CS:Source Invite, se decidirem mudar já para CS:Source. Se não, podem continuar a jogar 1.6, mas na CAL-premier(divisão abaixo):
CS League Changes
The much anticipated news for how CAL will incorporate Source and 1.6 next season is now ready. The movements of teams will be as follows:
1.) Source Invite will be compromised of all CS 1.6 Invite Teams.
2.) Source Main will be compromised of moveups from the current Source Open as well as any current CS 1.6 Main and Premier teams wanting to move to Source.
3.) With the removal of CS 1.6 Invite, the Intermediate division will also be disbanded. All teams that do NOT have 7 points at the completion of the season will be removed and forced to re-register in Open. All other teams will be moved to Main along with the current Open moveups.
These changes leave the leagues in the following way:
CS:Source: Invite, Main, Open divisions
CS 1.6: Premier, Main, Open divisions
More Information To Come As It Becomes Available