Valve lançou nova capsula de stickers, celebrando a vitória da FaZe Clan no PGL Major Antwerp 2022.

Durante a madrugada, a empresa lançou uma atualização ao CS:GO, onde é possível comprar a nova “Champions Capsule”. Esta capsula contém autocolantes comemorativos da vitória da FaZe Clan, que derrotou a NAVI na grande final do PGL Major Antwerp 2022.

As assinaturas dos jogadores da FaZe são iguais, mas a Valve adicionou novos elementos, como a palavra “Champion”. Todos os items relacionados com o último Major estão em promoção, relembrando que uma percentagem das vendas será revertida para as equipas participantes.

As notas completas desta atualização são:

[ANTWERP 2022]
– Antwerp 2022 Champions Autograph Capsules are now available for purchase. 50% of the proceeds go to the participating players and organizations.

[ MISC ]
– Various Steam Input improvements.
– FlickStick tweaks – turning is dampened when joystick is returning to the deadzone.
– Fixes for silencer equip/unequip.
– Added Acceleration and Precision options for Gyro.
– Gyro Camera is now set up to use 1:1 world rotation to in game rotation as a foundation, as opposed to arbitrary units. This is calibrated around the assumption that the “Gyro Camera” binding in the Steam Input Configurator is set to maximum sensitivity (600) (New Official bindings have been updated to use this).
– Removed “Quick Buy” radials from default controller bindings.
– Fixed Steam Input “Health Shot” command.
– Added short fade-in for Radial Menus. This does not change/delay any underlying behavior.