Continuando a série de i-views a moviemakers internacionais, fomos desta vez entrevistar Zaknafein, conhecido por produções como:

§ eoLithic the movie
§ M19 – The Movie

Fraglíder: Hello zak, let´s start by introducing yourself.

Zaknafein: Hi, my name is Espen “Zaknafein” Sjøberg, and Im a moviemakers, of sorts, from Norway.

Fraglíder: Let´s talk about your moviemaking career. Why did you start? Which of the movies you made you like the most, and why ?

Zaknafein: I started because I found it interesting and fairly easy. I love movies and when got ADSL I saw some gaming movies, and they were really cool. I started learning the basics (thx Hese) and found it very easy, and I went from there.
I like my NG15 movie best, cause there are so many players and it was fun collecting the demos. eoLIthic and underdark was also fun to make.

Fraglíder: Which programs do you use?

Zaknafein: Videomach (remember boys and girls, it’s MACH and NOT match ffs) and Adobe Premiere 6.5

Fraglíder: What´s your favorite movie and moviemaker, and why?

Zaknafein: Well my friend Hesesses is really good, but he’s more like my friend and severly inactive, so I’d had to say JRB atm. He doesn’t make CS movies but he’s damn good anyway. Best CS moviemaker I don’t know, think I’d had to say Poirier or Reflex. There aren’t many good cs-moviemakers that produce many movies atm really.

Fraglíder: Are you currently making any movie?

Zaknafein: Well I’m making Mercenaries. It’s like…80% done, but I am so lazy the last 20% goes sloooow. I’m also making underdark 2 (yay), and helping Pibbz with X-Pec 2 demo watching. But now World of Warcraft came out, so now I’m x10 lazy

Fraglíder: What kind of advices would you give to other moviemakers that are making their first video?

Zaknafein: Try experimenting alot and exploring the programs and abilities. Don’t try to make a movie about some famous clan the first time you try cause then it is highly possible the movie will suck and you will be released into the public flame too early.Best is to make
the first movies about yourself or friends, and after you’ve made some and feel ready, you can start making movies about others. And try to learn for yourselves how to do things before you ask, that way its easier to learn.

Fraglíder: When you arrived at home after this army period, do you think that the moviemaking scene has improved?

Zaknafein:Hardly, I don’t think much can change in a moviemaking scene during 9 days

Fraglíder: Let´s go to some quick questions, shall we?

Zaknafein: Nooooooooooo

Fraglíder:SK or NIP?

Zaknafein: SK (I never saw NIP play)

Fraglíder: Vegas or Premiere?

Zaknafein: Vegas (I use Premiere, but tbh Vegas is best…even though I hate it)

Fraglíder: >Uncompressed or Cinepack?

Zaknafein: Cinepak! For teh trains!

Fraglíder: Zaknafein or M!RA?

Zaknafein: Natalie Portman

Fraglíder: Logitech or Microsoft?

Zaknafein: Wireless Mouse

Fraglíder: Girls or CS? ;D

Zaknafein:Natalie Portman!

Fraglíder:Play CS or make CS videos?


Fraglíder: hehe, that´s all, any last wish?

Zaknafein: Yeah, Natalie Portman’s phone number, thank you very much. Also shoutout to everyone who I normally thx Except Riner because he doesn’t know I’m having this interview hahaha
Cu around folks