As health bars tornaram-se populares na parte desecente do Counter-Strike 1.6 e na parte ascedente das streams dos jogos, sendo assim já quase um hábito.

Até aqui, essa funcionalidade no 1.6 era assegurada através de vários programas exteriores ao jogo, tornando-se por vezes confusa. A equipa da Valve decidiu incorporar esta funcionalidade dentro do seu novo título, o Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

Num update lançado no passado dia 30, a funcionalidade das health bars juntamente com a ideia de Volcano de adicionar um pequeno Raio-X aos jogadores para se poderem ver entre as paredes, são as maiores novidades nesta actualização.

O portal ESEA, tal como já nos tem habituado, realizou um novo vídeo com as alterações mais importantes desta nova actualização.

Eis o log completo de alterações feitas na actualização do passado dia 30:

[ Gameplay ]

– Adjusted footstep volume fade out and maximum audible distance to match source/1.6.
– Increased default Casual match length to 15 rounds.
– Fixed an issue that caused the AWP to zoom to the wrong level after reloading.
– Tuned flinch aimpunch values.
– Fixed a bug in the penetration code that incorrectly determined the exit spot as being not solid when it was which allowed penetrating much further than it should have.

[ UI ]

– Added x-ray vision of own teammates for dead players.
– Added new spectator UI that shows both team’s active weapon, player name, health, armor, etc, when spectating a 10 player match.
– Added a new convar "sv_competitive_official_5v5" that:

  • Forces a match to display 5v5 scoreboards regardless of maxplayers setting (Allows setting maxplayers to 12 to allow spectators into a 5v5 match).
  • Allows connected spectators to see both teams in x-ray.
– Added support for international characters in play with friends lobby chat.
– Fixed an issue that caused the mouse cursor to reset its mouse position when clicking on the UI when the window didnt have focus.
– Fixed being able to open the radio menu when you were an observer.
– You cant toggle the scoreboard in half-time now
– Fixed the scoreboard win animation firing before the scoreboard was told to come up in the end match state and was usually missed
– The countdown timer now flashes prior to the start of a match.

[ General ]

– Reduced frequency of polling server console to save CPU.
– Fixed a rare crash when applying decals.
– Significantly improved precision of dedicated server frames to match tickrate.
– Clamped dedicated server fps to match quantized tickrate.
– Fixed two exploits. One that would allow players to see out of smoke with much more clarity than players could see them if they were boosted up while inside the smoke volume. Also made the smoke a tad shorter/smaller. Two, fixed players being able to see through a few trains out of the corner of their screens on de_train and de_train_se. Thanks Volcano.
– Fixed messages in scoreboard overlapping at end match.
– To pass a vote in competitive mode, all eligible voters minus one must now vote yes

[ Community Servers ]

– Fixed cases when values of some convars set on community servers would not correctly replicate to clients.
– Game modes configuration file now specifies cfg files to exec instead of keyvalue pairs of convars to make it easier for server operators to configure their game modes. To tweak game modes it would be sufficient to provide gamemode_competitive_server.cfg and _server.cfg files for other game modes which will exec after stock cfg files.
– Linux: running srcds_run with -autoupdate will now update the server during hibernation, in addition to changelevel.
– Fixed an issue that was limiting connectivity to community servers to only 25 players.
– Deprecated mp_ggtr_rounds_per_half. Use mp_maxrounds instead.
– Changed timelimit matches to stop at round end instead of exactly when the limit expires.


Counter-Strike: Global Offensive foi lançado para o público no passado dia 21 de Agosto.