O Arse00455 ontem encontrou o 4K^Tillerman no IRC e foi lhe fazer uma pequena entrevista. Na mesma o Tiller falou que agora joga Poker profissionalmente com o colega dele NTT (famoso jogador terran de BW),

Deixo-vos um excerto da entrevista e o link para a mesma na totalidade.

“Arse00455: I see, what were your reasons to stop playing wc3 and start playing poker?
4K^TillerMaN: I had always been slightly disappointed in Warcraft 3 to a certain extenet. There always seemed like there was too much luck or imbalance in the game, for the last few months of War3 I felt I was only playing for money, through training on commentaries etc.
4K^TillerMaN: I wanted to try something else and my friend NTT (famous from BW) was already playing Poker for many months. He had tried to persuade me many many times to try Poker but I always refused. I finally relented and tried and got hooked hardcore on it.”
