A Ligarena, que para além de ser a entidade responsável pela organização das finais mundiais da ESWC, é também quem esta a organizar o qualificador francês deste evento, iniciou uma parceria com a CPL – The Cyberathlete Professional League.
O primeiro passo foi já dado e o anúncio do mesmo publicado no site oficial da ESWC:
May 27, 2004 – The Cyberathlete Professional League (CPL) and the Electronic Sports World Cup (ESWC) have partnered to offer a berth to the winning team of the Electronic Sports French Cup (La Coupe de France des Jeux Vidéo). The French Tour involved 16 preliminaries at LAN parties and the final event will gather the 16 best french teams on May 29-30, 2004 at one of the most prestigious venues ever for a video games tournament : “The Louvre Museum” in the center of Paris.
The champions of this Counter-Strike tournament will win qualifications for both the Electronic Sports World Cup in France and for the Cyberathlete Extreme World Championships in Grapevine, Texas. The winning team will also receive $5,000 USD for travel to the CPL Summer Event, courtesy of Hitachi Global Storage Technologies.
This is the first cooperation between two large tournament organizers in the history of esports and hopefully will usher a new era of cooperation that will help advance and promote esports worldwide.
E agora?
O que poderemos esperar desta cooperação?
Será que vamos ter a CPL de volta à Europa?