Its round 1 ladies and gentlemen, finally we can see the ladies playing at a high level competition. This afternoon, I got home and “locked” myself in the HLTV regarding the match between badGirls Bulgaria and
unmatched Girls. Well after changing server 2 times, both teams thought that they had found the right (no lag) server, but right after the 1st round I could see some complains from both teams. Beside that it was a good and interesting match to watch, both teams showed some great tactics and good skill.
Final result: badGirls Bulgaria 7 vs. 17
unmatched Girls.
In the end I decided to talk with some of the girls to ear their opinions about a match.
unmatched Girls – nikole
FRAGLíder: Hello nikole, can you please do a small introduction about you to our readers?
Nikole: Hello, my name is nikole from Romania and I’m the Team Leader of unmaTched Girlz Cs
FRAGLíder: Tell me about unmaTched Girlz main objectives for 2004?
Nikole: 1st we want to win the League of Extraordinary Woman and then to go to Paris as soon a possible ^^, and of course to win some online contest which will be organised here in Romania.
FRAGLíder: Today you played your 1st match in Loew, and won vs badGirls Bulgaria. Can you give us one opinion about the match and your opponent?
Nikole: Omg i think that this game was hard enough for me as I’m concerned. I can say I’ve shake all the time I just couldn’t stop myself. Badgirls… Hmm they are strong enough let’s not forget that they are more known than us they are playing very good goodness i can say… But the luck was with us! Someone in the sky loves us! :) Nice playing with them!
FRAGLíder: I understand that you changed server 2 times, and still when 1 round started they were still complaining about ping problems. If the conditions for them were better could they have won the match?
Nikole: Yes, that’s true, I’ve changed the server 2 times but both teams had high pings, they could won anyway I had no idea why we had high pings we also could complaining in what concerned the pings, but we were conciseness that having already changed 2 server nothing could changed our high pings
FRAGLíder: Who are the teams you fear the most in your Group, and who do you think will win the league?
Nikole: I’m really afraid of m!sS.undaZtood … in what concerns my group. Now who will win the league excluding us… don’t know maybe readme.cfg
I really don’t know… Hard enough 4 me to say who will win the league and this just because I don’t know very much about the other girls team
FRAGLíder: Thank you for your time, gl in future matches. Any final remark?
Nikole: thanks u too and… May the best win!
I’m enjoying this competition and I’m looking forward for the next match!
badGirls Bulgaria – Escar1na
FRAGLíder: Hello Escar1na, can you please do a small introduction about you to our readers?
Escar1na: Hi, my name is Karina Boitcheva , I’m a 23-year-old bulgarin girl , a student and a gamer
FRAGLíder: Tell me about BadGirls Bulgaria main objectives for 2004?
Escar1na: Well, our first goal is to prove to those who are interested that we can be a part of the gamers` world and what is more – that we deserve it. We are attending the LOEW at the moment in order to show that we also can be part of the female gaming world, I hope that the playing conditions will be better at our next match. Our next goal is the ESWC, of course since it is one of the greatest events of the year 2004.
FRAGLíder: Today you played your 1st match in Loew, and lost vs unmaTched Girlz. Can you give us one opinion about the match and your opponent?
Escar1na: The girls did a really good game as far as I could see. The only thing that spoiled the ‘have fun’ part was the lag that we had in that server, though we appreciate the efforts of the admin that arranged the match because he found another server to play in… It was too laggy for us too.
It would have been a really good game if only we had better conditions so that we could show what our true abilities were however, since there is no one guilty from both teams I think that we did well as T and that we lost our nerves as CT, while the unmaTched Girlz did a really good game. I hope that next time we meet at more equal conditions and we will be able to give our best.
FRAGLíder: I understand that you changed server 2 times, and when 1 round started you were still complaining about ping problems. Do you think that if the conditions were better you could have won the match?
Escar1na: Yes I am sure that our chances to win would have been much better if only the server wasn’t that laggy , since we and the Rumanian girls had almost the same ping. It is preferable playing with more ping than in a laggy server, everyone who plays online more must have noticed that…However, since we had everything arranged for an exact hour we didn’t keep on complaining since we had a game to play. And, yes, I think that we might have won that match if we had the chance to play in a better server.
FRAGLíder: Who are the teams you fear the most in your Group, and who do you think will win the league?
Escar1na: Well, since I know only some nicknames of girls who play good, not about whole teams, and since most of the teams applying for the ESWC have been created recently or for this event , I cant say anything about any team…maybe m!sS.undaZtood or readme.cfg… I can’t tell anything for sure, really.
FRAGLíder: Thank you for your time, gl in future matches. Any final remarks?
Escar1na: Yes, sure.Play for fun and get the best of the game in all aspects that you might think of it. And especially for the male part – let girls see what it’s all about before sending them back to the kitchen or the bedroom , you see it is fun for both sides.
I would like to say thanks to our “secret manager”, he’s been a great guy and a big help for the team, we all love you.
I would like to say thanks to my “private massager” just love your hands ^^.
Finally I would like to send big kisses to my CS family – my sweet (2 days old) baby Honai and to his father.
Thank you for your attention!
With still 2 matches to be played where are the results from week 1 in Loew:
Group A:
allured 6 vs. 18
All 4 One
p[L]atinum 8 vs. 16
Group B:
readme.cfg 12-12
Fatal Attraction
Vindicta 24-0
Soldier Girls
Phanta Ladies vs.
Group C:
DkH Ladies 16-8
CTF Ladies
SCEE Ladies 4-20
badGirls Spain 16-8
Sexy E Mortale
Group D:
Death Angels vs.
badGirls Bulgaria 7-17
unmatched Girls
eu4ia Ladies 1-23
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