Em notícias recentes, o famoso criador de mapas de CS – Chris “Narby” Auty aka Barney colocou o mapa de_quarry para testes públicos. Agora que ele recebeu algum feedback sobre a sua última criação, decidiu lançar a segunda versão do mesmo mapa para mais testes.

Em baixo encontram-se algumas descrições das alterações ao mapa:

”I’ve added a vent between both sites as an alternate route as well as slowing the T down a few seconds from both sites. In addition, a number of clipping problems and some small tweaks to the models have been included.”

“The T’s should make it to B in about 17 seconds. The CT, in about 15. Both teams should reach their ends of the A choke after 15 seconds. “

”Please let me know if there are any other problems, or if the timing needs a bit more work. Unfortunatley I don’t have the resources to playtest right now, so your feedback is certainly welcome. “

Para mais informação visite o site Barney’s World

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